Letiště Letňany

Partners of Prague Letňany Airport:


Aeroklub Praha Letňany

Alpha Aviation, s.r.o.

Flying Academy,s.r.o.

Flying Academy, an international flight school with branch offices in Europe and USA, offers you complete pilot training. logo
If you don´t want to become only a recreation pilot, but a full-time professional airline pilot, contact us. We will be glad
to answer any of your questions. We offer a personal approach, instructors with flying experience from USA, international
flight school and airline-like environment and the opportunity to go through the training in Miami or Los Angeles.

A complete training overview with detailed information about our flight school can be found on www.FlyingAcademy.com

LOM Praha s.p.

Pure aviationpure aviation logo_small

The 1942 ” Southern Comfort ” Beech Expeditor C45H unique airplane operator. This airplane can be rented for filming historical movies, commercials, photo shoots and also for interesting employees or business partners events. The offer of spending day with beech starting with preflight procedures on the ground and flying the airplane in the end or taking tours around the Europe (e.g. “In the footsteps of French winemakers”) are also available.

Web: www.pure-aviation.com

Sdružení přátel letecké školy LETOV

SECAR MK AIR, s.r.o.


WOLFSBERG letecká továrna

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