Letiště Letňany

In matters related to air traffic, arrivals, departures, movements of aircraft, property and land management, please contact the airport operator.



                                             +420 702 185 744

For providing aerodrome flight information, weather and emergency services for aircraft at the airport and in the informational zone Prague Airport Letňany contact Letnany unit.

Head of Letňany unit: info@letnany-airport.sh12w3.esports.cz
+420 725 912 020 (08:30 – 18:00 LT)

If you are interested in leasing airport space for private events, contact us via email below.

Airport space rentals: rental@letnany-airport.sh12w3.esports.cz

Airport operator:
Letiště Praha Letňany s.r.o., Hůlkova 1075/35, 197 00 Prague – Kbely
IČO: 246 78 350
DIČ: CZ24678350
Company is member of:

Prague Entertainment Group B.V.
1077XX Amsterdam, Strawinskylaan 933, Nizozemské království
Registrační číslo: 63600757

Airport owner:
Letňany Air Land, s.r.o., Hůlkova 896/31, 197 00, Praha 9
IČO: 061 38 462
DIČ: CZ 061 38 462
Company is member of:

Prague Entertainment Group B.V.
1077XX Amsterdam, Strawinskylaan 933, Nizozemské království
Registrační číslo: 63600757

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