Uli “Cobra” Dembinski is a German pilot that won three times German Championship in aerobatics, took eights place in a European Championship and eights place in a World Championship. Moreover he is holder of World Record of 333 consecutive loopings.
You have been seen often at Prague Letňany Airport last days because you are preparing a special project here. Can you present it to us?
It is a long term project, I have founded a company that is called Airhero s.r.o. for the purpose to revive the production of the Sluka aircraft and to further advance it. For example have we put a lighter and yet stronger engine on it. We will use for production modern technology, simplify the design and last but not least we will modernize form and optimize aerodynamics. But Airhero will not be constrained to the Sluka product. We will develop and produce other aviation products. We want to cooperate with other companies in aviation and we want to supply aviation grade parts to them. The home of Airhero s.r.o. will be here at Letňany airport, where the history of the Sluka LK-2 started in the late eighties.
Why did you pick Letňany Airport as a base for your project?
There are many good reasons to be here in Letňany. Let me name some: Letňany has a great aviation history. Letňany is ivery close to the Prague city center. Here are a lot of aviation people around. People here in Czech republic are very nice, I think Letňany is a great aviation place with a lot of future. It just needs new impulses from the industry, from the aviation. It is a really historical airfield and I like it a lot. These old buildings here, atmosphere of real flying like in the old days… You know, a lot of flying was “invented here” and it is still the core for aviation in Czech republic. A lot of companies are trying to start up in aviation right here and that is very interesting.
Your nickname is “Cobra”. What is the origin of it?
I got this name because I was doing the cobra maneuver with a Zlin 50 LS. When I was flying at German Aerobatics Championships, somebody saw me practicing the Cobra with the Z50 and called me Cobra. From that day on I am Cobra. I like it. I even make my autograph with the head of the Cobra snake. (smile)
You are holding the world record of 333 consecutive loopings since year 2009. What time did you spent in the air doing this record?
It takes 2 hours and 15 minutes from the beginning of the first to the completion of the last looping.
During that record, you had to land to refuel after 303 loopings. Did you have to start from the beginning to make 333 loopings in a row?
No, for the whole duration you have to make in average at least two loopings per minute to be considered as consecutive. I did almost three loopings per minute even with refueling. These are the terms of the Guinness records.
Did you feel some vertigo after so many loopings?
No, I was OK. I did a normal airshow right after the record.
Are you thinking about breaking your own record?
Maybe I will try 444 loopings with Sluka here in Letňany Airport. (smile)
Are you listening to music during flights?
Yes I do. Usually when I do competition flights, I use Kenny G. For Airshow flights I like AC/DC or the main song from Mission impossible movie for example. It depends on the program. I also fly with music on Airshows where the audience hears the music over the loudspeakers. Then I have the music radioed up and I synchronize my flying to it.
What about normal flights, isn´t it boring for you, as you are used to aerobatics?
It becomes boring, so I need to put some fun in between from time to time. (smile)
What do you plan for a year 2016 besides Sluka reviving by Airhero? You already know what aerobatic shows you will attend?
I don´t know yet because I have sold my YAK and I´m looking for a new aircraft now. I´m looking for a YAK 54 for example. But it is not that simple, I need to take time for a decision. I want to test the Sukhoi 29 and will rent one for some time. These are my two best options. I´m a Russian “player”. I like the big stick and the strong planes with no limits.