Have you visited the exhibition Aero Friedrichshafen 2017? The representatives of LKLT airport did not miss this magnificent exhibition in the role of spectators. You might ask, what was the purpose of our visit, so we would like to build a new RWY with reinforced surface thus we were looking for some solution and partner at this exhibition because the exhibition is not focused only on aircraft and aids for pilots but also for airport operators. We were specifically interested in producers of reinforced tiles for grass runways like two grass RWYs at Letnany. We think to reinforced the south RWY at Letnany, called in these days „SPORT“ which is very bumpy. We would like to build something which will imitate landings to the concrete rwy or tarmac rwy but with resonable price for m2 of course. At the exhibition we were talking about possibility to implement plastic tiles at whole rwy with representative from the company PERFO –S2T Ground Reinforcement, Mr. Trevor Archer, who is dealing with these tiles over 20 years. The consultation was completely exhausting but we got all neccessary information. The first using of these tiles was primarily served in England for the horse paddocks and there was a man who was also a pilot, and then, well you know the end for this story. Through the past 20 years more than 30 airports were covered by these PERFO tiles and the result you can see below this text. Thus we have to decide and the users if we want to get improved the next part of airport infrastructure or not.
Source: Perfo
Archive LKLT